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Jugend-forscht Arbeit






Holografie - do it yourself


Here you can see my tests with Laserdiodes.This sites contains only a few tests. In the future (with more time I hope) i will publish more informations.

Diode-pumped solid state lasers (long term stabilized) !

Laser model: GL10dT
Ortel Vertriebs GmbH

wavelength: 532nm
operating voltage: 12V; pow. suppl.
recording material: BB 520

The quality of the Hologramm is like a HeNe-Laser. I had no problems with fringes or such things all the time. The laseroutput was 15mW and the dimensions of the laser head are 26x40x62mm!

Lasermodule 670nm with BB 640 (batteries compared with power supply) !!!


wavelength: 670nm, 5mW
operating voltage: 5,9V; batteries
recording material: BB 640

This is a very interesting test for me, because the BB 640 material works with a 670nm Laserdiode. The BB 640 was treatet with 2% TEA.
I removed the collimating lens and got a beautiful clean (nearly the quality of a pinhole) beam. After 30cm the beam was spread for a 4"x5" BB-plate.
The Laserdiode was powered by batteries and the exposure time was 60sec.

The next picture shows the same setup, Laserdiode, recording plate and exposure time. But the batteries were exchanged with a power supply. I hope you can see the black lines. It is not a good hologramm so it was difficult to make a photo.


wavelength: 670nm, 5mW
operating voltage: 6,2V pow. suppl.
recording material: BB 640


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